Reiki is not simply a tool that you use toward accomplishing some end result. Once attuned to Reiki, one becomes a greater conduit of LOVE and HEALING. One becomes Reiki. It is something always present and connected with you, rather you are conscious of it in the moment or not. The more we consciously bring our awareness into alignment with this reality, the more we witness the miracles, magic, and infinite possibilities manifest.

We have a favorite youtube video of Bruce Lee encouraging others to "BE the Water"... it is very similar to this nature in which we suggest you explore your relationship with Reiki. Reiki not only creates the container but fills everything; it brings with it Life, revitalization, regeneration, and divine blueprint technology that transverses all time and space. Reiki is the carrier of consciousness. Reiki is the vehicle in which to BE in constant connection with our Highest Self / Highest Purpose. BE the Reiki!